Rest removes the PAR status and any chance of full paralysis (even after the Resting Pokmon wakes up). Switching does not remove either the PAR status or the Speed penalty. In contests, Grass-type moves are typically Clever moves, but can also be any of the other four contest conditions. Full Paralysis Each round that a Pokmon is afflicted with the PAR status change, there is about a 25 chance that it will be fully paralyzed and unable to attack ( 2 ). When Grassy Terrain is in the effect, the power of Grass-type moves is increased by 30% (50% prior to Generation VIII) if the user is on the ground. As of Generation VI, Dark and Ghost have neutral matchups against every type that resists Grass. Those resistant types are best covered by Rock and Ground. Grass-type attacks are resisted by seven types, so they're tied with Bug as the most resisted type. Stun Spore is one of the strongest status moves in the game. Pronounced: SKIP-loom Possible Moves: Splash, Synthesis, Tail Whip, Tackle, PoisonPowder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Bullet Seed, Leech Seed, Mega Drain. Those moves raise both attack stats or the physical Defense stat, respectively, when used. Psybeam is also cool, but do skip the rather useless Whirlwind. 3DS FC: 1805-2178-2522 NNID: Scarlettail. Stun Spore and Sleep Powder are definitely quality status-altering moves, so keep a slow open for them. There are Pokemon that could end up poisoned that I'd prefer not to poison, as it prevents burns/paralysis. Additionally, Grass Pokémon are the only ones affected by Rototiller and Flower Shield. I don't like the notion of Toxic Spikes in general, as it requires multiple layers to reach Toxic stage, and then many Pokemon are immune to it, such as common Steel types. As of Generation VI, Grass-type Pokémon are also immune to powder and spore moves, such as Sleep Powder and Stun Spore. Since Generation I, a particular asset of Grass types is being the only type that is immune to Leech Seed. While not a move, the same Pokmon that are unaffected by powder.

From Generation VI onward, Grass-type Pokmon, Pokmon with Overcoat, and Pokmon holding the Safety Goggles are immune to these moves. These moves are based on powders and spores. Grass types are tied with Rock in having the most weaknesses out of all types with five. From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokmon encyclopedia. The combination of its too many weaknesses and its weak offensive cover make it a little exploited type and difficult to use in arena. However, it is not very effective against the Steel, Dragon, Fire, Bug, Grass, Poison and Flying types. It can be, but you should be fine as long as you also pack a few Super Potions just in case. In attack, the Grass type is very effective against the Water, Rock and Ground types, which are common in strategy.

Indeed, even if it is resistant to the Water, Electric, Grass and Ground types which can have a devastating role in combat, Pokémon Grass is not very effective against the Fire, Ice, Bug, Poison and Flying types, most of which are known for their devastating power in attack or special attack. The Grass type is known to be very bad in defense.